

TRANSVESTIA has, with this issue, appeared four times. In these four issues your Editor has tried to provide mater- ial living up to the objectives given on the flyleaf: Ex- pression, Information, and Education, as well as entertain- ment. Since these objectives were formulated by me as Editor they of necessity reflect my own views as to what the maga- zine should consist of. Now, perhaps my ideas do not run parallel with those of the readers and I think we have gone far enough to stop and find out just how well this magazine is serving the interests and needs of those who buy it.

The last leaf of this issue is arranged to be torn out without damaging the rest of the magazine. On these two pages are listed some of the individual items which have ap- peared and some listings of types of material together with space and directions for grading this material. Will ALL of you please fill out, tear out, and mail this page to me! A compilation of the results will appear in No. 5 together with commentary on them. The information gathered by this survey will give me some guidance as to your interest in various kinds of material so that I can make TRANSVESTIA of greatest interest to the greatest number.

I am making this survey because I am aware that the mag- azine is failing some of its readers. When some who had sub- scribed to No. 1 did not come back for more I wrote to them. Some had simply forgotten or mislaid the address and these resubscribed and thanked me for the reminder. However, there were others who told me that TRANSVESTIA was not for them. One of them was disappointed because there was not more eroti material in the magazine. (I must say at this point that I have no intention of producing an erotic rag no matter what the poll shows. That kind of stuff can be obtained in most any Main street arcade and I'm not going to stick my neck out to produce it). Stories that are interesting and enter- taining may very likely have some "stimulating" effects on some readers and such stories will continue to be printed.